Structural Monitoring, automated monitoring, tilt sensor monitoring, environmental monitoring

MK Surveys were approached to provide a suitable structural monitoring solution at a site in central London where a challenging project involved the demolition of a number of terraced buildings whilst retaining the listed façades and maintaining the party walls.

Following careful consideration and a thorough client consultation process the chosen monitoring solution utilised 54 dual axis tilt sensors installed onto the façades and party walls. The sensors were set up to communicate with an on-site datacentre which was able to transmit the data to the cloud to be retrieved by our local servers. The data, recorded at 15 minute intervals 24/7 was managed, analysed and re-formatted to a clear concise format for weekly reporting to the client. ‘Traffic light’ alert systems were also setup to notify relevant personnel via email if any readings were out of a specified tolerance.

A settlement monitoring solution was also established to complement the data recorded by the tilt sensors and provide movement readings on the Z axis. Monitoring rivets and bar coded strips were installed onto the structures prior to any demolition works. Readings were recorded at regular intervals, using a precise level instrument and then tabulated before being communicated to the client.


Structural Monitoring
Structural Monitoring
Structural Monitoring
Structural Monitoring