Railway Surveys, risqs certified, mobile mapping, rail survey, UAV survey

MK Surveys are RISQS (Railway industry supplier qualification scheme) approved via audit and have a railway division comprising of 20+ PTS certified staff. In May 2019 we were awarded the highest 5 star RISQS rating for the fifth year running.

We have worked on numerous railway projects across the UK carrying out the following types of survey:

mobile mapping Topographical & Track surveys
mksbullet Platform gauging clearance surveys
mksbullet Profiles for clearance into ClearRoute™ format
mksbullet Under Track Crossing (UTX) surveys & monitoring
railway survey Deformation monitoring
mksbullet Drainage information with catchpit invert levels
mksbullet Underground utility service tracing surveys
mksbullet CCTV Drainage surveys
mksbullet Full 3D CAD models for buildings, structures etc.
mksbullet Measured Building Surveys
mksbullet Surveys for people movement
railway survey Height & Stagger Surveys

Data can be issued in many formats including:

railway surveys AutoCAD

railway surveys Microstation

railway surveys MX Genio

railway surveys ClearRoute™

railway surveys 3D registered point clouds

railway surveys Legion Compatible

railway surveys TruView


Railway Surveys


Railway Surveys


Railway Surveys


Railway Surveys


Railway Surveys


Railway Surveys


Railway Surveys


Railway Surveys